The NYS Affordable Housing Corporation grant (AHC) will assist eligible, owner occupied homeowners throughout the county make necessary repairs to their home.
1 person – $102,400
2 person – $117,100
3 person – $131,600
4 person – $146,200
5 person – $157,900
6 person – $169,700
7 person – $181,400
8 person – $193,000
The income limits for eligibility are as follows:
There is an asset limitation of $15,000. Assets include any monies in savings or checking accounts, certificates of deposits, pensions and stocks or bonds.
You must complete an application and submit all requested documents along with an Authorization to Release Information, Housing Counseling Program Disclosure and Statement of Income Tax Filing Status.
There is a recapture provision for the funding based on the amount awarded, meaning a lien will be attached to your property for a required amount of time.
Please call to have an application mailed to you. (845) 225-8493
* Eligibility cannot be determined unless a complete application is received.
First-come, first serve status is determined by complete application submission.
If you need assistance accessing information through an alternative means, please be aware PCHC offers free interpretive services. The hearing impaired can call TDD Relay number 711 for assistance.
Our office is handicapped accessible. If you need assistance for mobility impairments or other disabilities please contact the office via email at or by phone (845)225-8493 prior to your appointment to ensure accommodations are in place.